
Tuesday, January 18, 2011

SQL Constraints


--=========================================[SQL CONSTRAINTS]===========================================================
--Constraints are used to limit the type of data that can go into a table.
--We will focus on NOT NULL, UNIQUE,PRIMARY KEY ,FOREIGN KEY,CHECK ,DEFAULT constraints-----

--NOT NULL-------
CREATE TABLE employee(
     ID          int NOT NULL,
     name        nvarchar (10),
     salary      int,
     start_date  datetime,
     city        nvarchar (10),
     region      char (1))

CREATE TABLE employee(
     ID          int NOT NULL UNIQUE,
     name        nvarchar (10),
     salary      int,
     start_date  datetime,
     city        nvarchar (10),
     region      char (1))

CREATE TABLE employee(
     ID          int NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
     name        nvarchar (10),
     salary      int,
     start_date  datetime,
     city        nvarchar (10),
     region      char (1))

--here we have two tables employee and department
CREATE TABLE employee(
     ID          int NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
     name        nvarchar (10),
     salary      int,
     start_date  datetime,
     city        nvarchar (10),
     region      char (1))

CREATE TABLE department(
     DepartmentID int NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
     name        nvarchar (10),
     designation nvarchar (10),
     empID          int references employee(ID))

CREATE TABLE employee(
     ID          int NOT NULL CHECK (ID>0),
     name        nvarchar (10),
     salary      int,
     start_date  datetime,
     city        nvarchar (10),
     region      char (1))

--DEFAULT (see below example)--

--To specify a default value, add "Default [value]" after the data type declaration

--Default City Unknown
CREATE TABLE employee(
     ID          int,
     name        nvarchar (10),
     salary      int,
     start_date  datetime,
     city        nvarchar (10)default 'Unknown',
     region      char (1))

 INSERT INTO employee (ID, name,    salary, start_date, city,       region)
               values (1,  'Jason', 40420,  '02/01/94', 'New York', 'W')
 INSERT INTO employee (ID, name,    salary, start_date, city,       region)
               values (2,  'Robert',14420,  '01/02/95', 'Vancouver','N')
 INSERT INTO employee (ID, name,    salary, start_date, city,       region)
               values (3,  'Habib', 90020,  '12/03/99',DEFAULT,  'W')
 INSERT INTO employee (ID, name,    salary, start_date, city,       region)
               values (4,  'Linda', 40620,  '11/04/97', 'New York', 'N')
 INSERT INTO employee (ID, name,    salary, start_date, city,       region)
               values (5,  'David', 80026,  '10/05/98', 'Vancouver','W')

SELECT * FROM employee

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